Versión en español
Anyone that has seen a Marvel comic-book, and even without having done it, knows the name Stan "The Man" Lee, creative person in charge of the immense majority of the prominent figures of the editorial. On the occasion of the premiere in cinemas of "Spider-Man 2", Mr. Lee was so nice of granting to us the following brief interview. Hope you enjoy it.
BSO Spirit (BS): Before starting, just tell you that granting this interview
is like touching Heaven for us. We are talking to Stan "God" Lee. Thank
you very much.
To start with this brief interview, what does it mean for you
to see
Spiderman jumping in the New York skies through the eyes of Sam Raimi?
Stan Lee (SL): It makes me feel incredibly lucky that a brilliant artist
like Sam is directing the Spider-Man movies.
BS: When you created the character, did you expect that thousands of
teenagers, similar to Peter Parker, would carry their problems in a better way
because of reading a comic of your invention?
SL: No. I had no such expectation. I simply hoped the readers would like the stories and keep buying the comicbooks.
BS: Spiderman have had a lot of enemies, being the two most important the ones
represented by Raimi in his films; Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus. Which
enemy would you like to see in the third movie?
SL: Perhaps Kraven the Hunter, or, if it wouldn't be too difficult to portray such a character, Sandman.
BS: What is your favourite scene of the first Spiderman movie?
SL: The early scenes when he realized he had spider powers. For example, when he caught the bottles that MJ had dropped on the tray in the lunch room.
BS: From the first movie, the Green Goblin´s clothes were criticised by a lot
of fans. They said that the clothes suppressed expressivity to the character.
Do you agree?
SL: Yes, I would have preferred if the Goblin's mask allowed the audience to see the various expressions on the Goblin's face.
BS: W hat do you think of Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker? If he had not been the
chosen one, which other actor would you have liked to see in that role?
SL: Now that Tobey has proven to be so perfect in the role, I can't even think of another actor playing Spidey.
BS: Have you see already the second movie? Is it better than the first one?
Which one gets closer to the spirit of the comic?
SL: They're both close to the spirit of the comicbook. But the second movie is, I believe, an even bigger movie than the first.
BS: You participated in the first movie in a brief cameo. Are we going to see
you also in the second one?
SL: Yes. But it's a very small bit. If you blink your eye you might miss it!
BS: As a website devoted to the film music, we would like to know your opinion
about the main theme and the whole work of Danny Elfman to the character.
SL: I thought the main theme and the music throughout were absolutely perfect.
BS: To finish, we would like to THANK YOU sincerely for all those years of
dreams and illusions that made possible that we went through our problems
in a better way thanks to your comics and characters. Now we are ending...
what would you like to say to all the fans reading this in Spain?
SL: I love Spain and I love Spanish people. I deeply appreciate your loyalty to Spider-Man and the fact that you allowed me to answer this questionnaire.
I send you all my very best wishes and my fondest regards.
Interview by DDBSpawn and Pablo Nieto. Translation by Rubén Sánchez.