Here we are in the second and final round of the X GoldSpirit Awards Edition. The nominees have been selected, thanks to the votes of all the people who participated in the first round. It's up to you from now on to choose which scores, composers and themes will be granted the GoldSpirit for each category.
Each participant can only make a single vote. Therefore we ask you that, at the end, please enter your first and last name. The anonymous or votes under nicks or pseudonyms are not valid.
For each category can be three selections maximum. The first count 3 points, the second 2 and the third, only 1 point.
It is not allowed to vote at the same candidate twice within the same category.
It is not necessary to vote in all categories. The list of candidates are shown in the lists below.
Voting finishes on Sunday, April 17th, of 2010, at 23:59 GMT+1. All votes received after that date will be disregarded.
BSOSpirit reserves itself the right to cancel those votes that do not comply with these bases.